she may be the youngest of all, but she has yet to grow into a magnificent one.
— best viewed in computer. —
do you wish to know who she is?

Classification | Details |
Full name | Calanthe Octavia von Veradisia |
Nickname | Tata (only for those who are close with her) |
Alias | The High Seraph |
Gender | Female |
Date and place of birth | Royal City of Solandix, Synestia kingdom (which is now an empire), 1st October 1526 Zerynthium AC |
Blood type | A- |
Zodiac | Virgo |
Age | 15 y.o |
Race | Human, perhaps? Mutant created by mixing her blood with Ultima |
Height | 143 cm |
Weight | it's peculiar to ask a girl her weight, you know? |
Affilation | Synestia empire, ETHPERiA, EXPERiTH |
Occupation | Student |
Domicile | Shibuya, Tokyo |
Nationality | Japanese |
Likes | Unicorns, plushies, chicks, candies, and a little bit of astronomy |
Dislikes | Horror, war, complete darkness, loneliness, failure, crowds |
Hobbies | Experimenting in her lab, playing, singing, stargazing |
Face claim and voice claim | Unicorn (Azur Lane) |

Her small figure is one of her signature features, not forgetting the slenderness of her arms and legs which are quite noticeable. However, she is often mistaken for a person younger than she actually is. This is only a small portion of her signature features, though.
Gentle yet striking lavender hair adorns her to her waist, styled loose with a loose side bun on the side. A black ribbon accompanies the side bun, as if it's the cherry to a sundae. Round lavender orbs became one of her prominent features.
The attire of her choice is a knee-length, pearl white dress, details consists of black ribbons, and butterfly-like decorations. Silky finger-less gloves is worn by her, accompanied by her silky stockings.
She's never seen without her unicorn plush, as if it was her heart, or one can say.
During school, she wears the normal school uniform like the other students have. Her black ribbon and side bun were discarded, replaced by simple black clips and puffy scrunchies. The previous hairstyle of hers was also changed, into two low pigtails.
No longer holding the unicorn plush she loves, she holds the strap of her backpack or her phone. She now brings a dark blue backpack, with a unicorn keychain dangling from one of the zipper's slider.
Being the last daughter of the Veradisia house, she's naturally the youngest of all. Some might expect her to be childish, or worse, a spoiled one. In which, she's the opposite of it all. Calanthe is obedient like the other siblings, and surprisingly mature for girls her age. An absolute prodigy, as she was the head scientist after all. She's not fond of war nor fighting as much as her eldest sister, Meliora. She would prefer to do things peacefully, and maybe.. scientifically.
The time she has on her hands was spent on researching, specifically mythical creatures. It developed her love for reading and mythical creatures, hence her love for books increased. A bookworm, that rather gives off a soft aura.
Deep behind it, she still holds dearly to what has happened to her family. The lingering feeling of fear and trauma haunts her, granting her to be protective of the people she loves.

' ' quand elle me prend dans ses bras. ' '
The fateful day, the day she had been greeted to the world, the day she had been able to be greeted by the light. The day warm laughter and tears of joy were present upon her arrival.
The day where the little princess was born, was such a blessing to House Veradisia.
Calanthe Octavia von Veradisia, known to be Queen Acantha's last and sixth daughter. High expectations had already been stated for her since her young age.

' 'une part de bonheur. ' '
Born into a family where she was the last daughter the House of Veradisia had; the prestigious ruling family of a kingdom which was famous for its' superior understanding of Krissala, which was a mystical crystal that allows them to merge magic and technology into one. It was to be expected that she had strict guidance on her etiquette and lifeskills as a princess. To be a proper princess of House Veradisia, it was demanded that she master the knowledge of Krissala, combat, and forging tactics. She and her other five siblings were in an experiment as well, giving them inhuman abilities to each of them.
Despite her enormous power that she had, she wasn't that fond of combat. Mastering combat and utilizing her ability well was already mastered by the little princess. However, she'd rather be working in the sidelines. As she was gifted with absolute understanding of science. A prodigy of science, one can say. She wouldn't hesitate to use her abilities if needed, though.

' ' dont je connais la cause. ' '
The days she spent honing her skills that were necessary for a princess were uncountable. Every minute, every hour, every day, she was still clutching on to the training that she had. The training itself wasn't gruesome, but it was tiring for the youngest princess. It was soon to be over, as she was quite the gifted one.
A gift for her was soon to be given to the youngest one, as a return for her achievements. The answer her parents received were not the kinds they would expect. The youngest princess only wanted permission to go to the Synestia's laboratory and stargazing room. Without a doubt, she had the permission. Spending everyday in either the laboratory nor the stargazing room was such a bliss for her, developing her love in researching and astronomy.

' ' mon qoeur qui bat. ' '
House Veradisia was not only known for its' superior understanding with the knowledge of Krissala, but its' tight family bond. A bond that couldn't be severed that easily. A bond that was so tight it cannot be severed, even.
Perhaps it was something only House Veradisia do, but they do have their own way of spending time with each other and tightening the bond. All of the family members, including the King and Queen would spend time together. Such a bliss for the six year old girl at that time.
On that specific day, the oldest of the six princesses, Meliora, had seemingly some practice sessions she had to attend. Leaving the other seven family members. Still, it didn't stop them from going through their usual routine, one can say.
Hide and seek, such a fun way to spend time with your loved ones or friends, wasn't it? One could seek and the others would hide, ready or not, they will come.
They, as in, her family members? No, no. As in, them.

' ' hold me close and hold me fast .. ' '
After a couple of minutes deciding who would be the seeker, it had came to the conclusion that one of Calanthe's older sister would be the seeker. Once she had heard the older sister count, she and the others immediately searched for a hiding spot. As obedient as she could get, as a child, it was inevitable she'd be mischievous. A hiding spot where most would think nobody will use as a hiding spot. Under the king's throne. She, for a reason, chose to hid there as nobody suspected that place. Fortunately, she had a small figure given as she was a child anyways. Likewise, she waited for the seeker stopped counting. Holding back her urge to giggle at some points.
The seeker had stopped counting, chanting the usual line people would say while playing this particular game. The youngest one was ready as ever, keeping herself quiet to hide from the seeker.
Yet a disaster occurred by a blink of an eye and a flash of light.

' ' this magic spell you've cast. ' '
A sudden scream— no, it wasn't just a scream.
Screams and the dreadful sound of blades piercing through her loved ones' were heard throughout the throne room. The sudden invasion from the unknown .. had brought her to stay silent, quivering and cowering in fear under the king's throne. A strong urge to cry and scream was there. As the youngest waited for what had happened to settle down, she held back her tears while hiding. Completely helpless, in pain, a mixture of emotions that words couldn't describe.
By a sheer chance of luck given by Lady Luck herself, someone .. slaughtered the people that attacked her family. A spark of hope came to her, taking a little peek from where she was hiding. Meliora, the oldest of them all, slaughtered the soldiers that had broke into Synestia's throne room.
Knowing that her dear eldest sister came for her aid, the tension and stress that was weighing her down lifted up a bit. However, she still hid herself as she felt so hopeless and exhausted. Unable to hold in the overwhelming emotions that's swirling inside of her, tears bursts out from her lavender orbs.
And there she was, the youngest of them all, the sixth princess, sobbing quietly under the former king's throne.

' ' this .. s la.. ie en.. ose ' '
Whether it was the luckiest day for her or the opposite, she couldn't tell. For she should consider it as her luckiest, since her eldest sister managed to put the riot into an end within her hands. It didn't take long for the first princess to find the youngest one afterwards, rendering her crying even more.
Little as she was, did she know that her cry would change everything onwards.
How House Veradisia would manage their kingdom, how her last sister would lead their destiny.
How the survivors of the mighty House would answer the warcry from their sworn enemy.
How the 3rd Great War commenced.

' ' an .. ough .. I clo .. y eyes .. ' '
With their parents gone, Calanthe could only cling unto the last member of her family left—Meliora. Since her eldest sister wasn't old enough to take the crown at that moment, the kingdom was headed by the senate of Synestia. Even so, she could conclude that her sister still had the dominant power within the reign.
So dominant, she even commanded the youngest one to be one of the leading scientist of their kingdom.
Without any reason to object, Calanthe then became one. No one dared to object, since her intelligence was widely known and proven useful.
The two sisters were then known as the deadly duo. As the older one had her role directly within the battle field, the young one had her role within the sidelines; enhancing their strength with the power of science.

' ' ... ... la vie en rose. ' '
Years went by, the Great War kept on going by Synetstia's favor. To the extent that their vast achievement made the senate finally held a coronation for the first princess.
Her dearest older sister became the sole youngest queen of the kingdom.
The first command bestowed upon her by the new queen was to continue the development of the queen's invention.
A breakthrough upon Krissala's usage to protect a certain area by cancelling out any kind of magic.
With pleasure did Calanthe do it, as her older sister continued her path within the battle field. Their way of contributing for the war may be different, yet they still had the same goal.
To put an end to the opposing empire's corruption.

' ' .. in a world apart. ' '
On the peak of the Great War, her kingdom had the upper hand. Though she wasn't within the battle field, she could still know the development of the battle flow with the help of the transmission technology. Remotely, she and the other occupants of Synestia could witness the on going war within their sworn enemy; Alovetta empire.
All of them gleamed in joy as they witnessed how Queen Meliora put an end to the war by offering Alovetta terms of peace.
Though, Calanthe preferred to see it as their terms of surrender.
All went well, until an unpredicted event occured.
Out of the blue, a blast of a tremendous power came from the empire. A power so powerful, it had a bizarre impact upon Synestia. No, upon the whole Zerynthia.
In a blink of an eye, she received a command from the queen to activate the device she had been developing. Reluctant at first, since it was still in development, she then finally forced herself to do as her older sister told.
To activate the device that could null any kind of magic in a certain area to protect it from harm.
It did protect Synestia from full annihilation. Though, it didn't fully protect their lands.
Even so, the kingdom wouldn't fall just like that.
With the queen, the youngest princess immediately found their way to restore their kingdom. Establishing an elite soldiers organization; ETHPERiA, which included both her and her older sister to be the members of it. All in order to raise Synestia, all in order.
Back to their further glory, even more.
and so, House Veradisia lives on.

' ' a world where roses bloom. ' '
Like the water, the time kept on flowing. Until, Synestia kingdom became an empire. Their struggle together didn't go to vain, they both thrived to the very end.
As they rebuild their reign, they kept on striving to find an answer of the past.
The reason of the sudden burst of power.
Their researches ended up with finding out that the reason of the outburst was the last emperor of Alovetta, who was found fleeing to the Earth.
This discovery led her older sister, who was then an empress of Synestia, to make the bold decision.
Leaving her behind in pursuit of the guilty emperor.
As usual, Calanthe obeyed and respected the older one's command. In loneliness did the head scientist spend her days, all alone without the usual company of the empress.
Until one day, she had enough.
After her debate with the senate, she was then finally allowed to go down to the Earth. All for the sake of her sister, all for the sake of her only family member left.
From then on, she then lived with her beloved sister once again. Though she had her own apartment unit, not living together in her sister's. It was more than enough for the young one, since she could have her own lab within it.
She may became the citizen of Shibuya, yet her heart and goals still remained for her beloved empire.
Thus, the deadly duo worked with their own might together once more. For the sake of their empire's future, for the sake of fulfilling her sister's revenge upon Alovetta's long lost emperor.